Exercise is powerful. For starters, there are the obvious physical benefits. Increased strength, bone density, cardiovascular capabilities, and energy can be achieved all while significantly decreasing the likelihood of numerous negative health conditions.
But the true power of exercise is found in its positive effect on our mental health and well-being.
Not to sound to overly dramatic here, but I believe working out saves my life on a daily basis. Don’t get me wrong – I love my life, I have plenty to be grateful for. This statement is not negative, it’s positive. No matter what is going on in my life at any given time, when I complete the daily challenge of exercising, I feel better.
There is plenty of scientific evidence to tell us why this is so. Just google “mental benefits of exercise” and you will read about how physical activity reduces stress and anxiety, and how it can be a useful tool to combat depression and PTSD. Exercise does this by igniting changes in the brain, including neural growth, reduced inflammation, and new activity patterns that promote feelings of calm and well-being. Exercise also releases endorphins – powerful chemicals in your brain that basically make you feel good. If I’m in a great mood, it gets better. If I’m going through a tough time, it gets better. Anything in between – you guessed it, it gets better.
But as anyone in the gym can tell you, it goes beyond the science. There is something that happens when you commit. Something powerful. I have had the privilege to work with many great people who have all experienced moments of significant adversity in their life. Time and time again I see exercise play a major role in helping them work through it.
Like most great things in life, it’s not easy but it is simple. Its not easy putting forth the effort each day to exercise. The conditions are sometimes not perfect, but it is simple: commit, work, feel better.
I know many people are going through a tough time right now. Schedules are off, our structure has been altered, stress is at an all time high and we are faced with the potential reality of having a new normal. I know this can be scary, but I promise you this: exercise and you will feel better. When you feel better you will be a better version of yourself. When you are a better version of yourself you have a positive effect on those around you. People need that, especially at a time like this.
There is a sign that is written above our door when you walk into Focus Fitness. It reads: I know we cannot be together in the gym right now – that’s ok. The door is figurative, but it is there. Step through it, feel better.
Focus Fitness has been committed to providing free exercise content to everyone in need. You can follow along through all our social media channels: Instagram: @focusfitnesstn, Facebook: @Focus Fitness TN, Twitter: @FocusFitnessTN , YouTube: Focus Fitness TN. Please share with anyone you know who you think could benefit. This is our way of helping people in the best way we know how.
Until next time,
Strength, Courage, Hustle, Commitment
AJ Zeglen