Player Development
Our development ladder begins with our “Initiation” Phase camps and progresses through a player’s development to the “Competitive” and “High Performance” Phases.
The INITIATION PHASE ensures that all entry level players have an opportunity to first develop a foundation of physical skills with a strong emphasis in skating, puck control, passing and receiving, shooting, contact confidence, introductory checking skills, entry level individual and team play tactic principles.
The COMPETITIVE PHASE transitions players with progressive entry level individual and team play principles with an abundance of fun on ice activities. Players progress from the Initiation Phase of programming to the Competitive Phase. Within the Competitive Phase, there is still a strong focus on developing and strengthening individual skills in addition to teaching age and skill appropriate tactical and team play principles.
The HIGH PERFORMANCE PHASE is for accomplished young players who are looking for a more challenging hockey development opportunity and aspire to play at an elite level. This program takes high performance players out of their present comfort zone by placing them with likeminded and skilled players and challenging them with an explosive overspeed skills training component, International & Team Play tactics and a spirited game component so players may realize an Experience of a Lifetime.