Social media is constantly presenting new avenues for people to connect, and that’s even truer now as we face the realities of physical distancing and spending a lot more time at home. As people strive to fill their time, many have turned to online strength and conditioning coaching and videos. One great place to find strength and conditioning videos is right from Focus Fitness. Check out the Focus Fitness YouTube page for daily videos to keep you fit in your own home.
Beyond Focus Fitness, there are is a lot of strength and conditioning content out there. Like anything in life – and online – there is always bad with the good and readers need to be cautious of inaccurate and untrustworthy information. The good news is there are also some absolutely amazing and credible people sharing their knowledge online as well. Here are, in my opinion, three strength coaches that you would benefit from following:
- Eric Cressey
At some point we all have an “aha moment”, when someone flicks the switch and the light bulb goes on in your head, and suddenly everything makes sense. For me, this moment came almost 10 years ago while I was reading an e-book called The Ultimate Off-Season Training Manual by Eric Cressey. He is known as both the “baseball” and the “shoulder” guy and while he is the industry leader in both these fields, his knowledge reaches far beyond that. He is extremely generous with the information he shares and everything he says will make you better. You can sign up for his free e-newsletter at and follow him on Twitter @EricCressey and on Instagram ericcresey. I strongly suggest you do all three.
- Jim Smith
Jim Smith is one half of the force behind Diesel Strength and Conditioning along with Joe DeFranco. Smith’s free e-newsletter is my favourite read every week. He includes beneficial strength and conditioning information that is often accompanied by videos and pairs it with valuable life lessons. His delivery is always on point and the positive way you are left feeling after reading his work will have you ready to crush everything you do that day, both in and out of the gym. Check out the blog on, sign up for his e-newsletter, and follow him on Twitter @dieselstrength and on Instagram smittydiesel.
- Jason Ferruggia
Jason Ferruggia is the man behind the Renegade Army. Ferruggia’s mix of knowledge on training, business, life, and old school hip hop are top-notch. His website will direct you to all the gems that he has to offer including his blog, newsletter, Twitter, Instagram and my personal favourite, his podcast appropriately named Renegade Radio. It’s one of the best podcasts I’ve ever heard and covers everything from training, business, life, and music with incredible guests that will give you knowledge to improve your life.